Are you ready?



Pelvic steaming, also known as V-Steam, A-Steam, yoni or lingam steaming is a subtle yet powerful traditional practice from all over the world which consists in sitting or squatting over a warm pot of water with infused herbs. It works similar to steam inhalation, but for your beautiful reproductive organs as well as the whole pelvic area.

Steaming is mainly used by women but it definitely supports men’s health too.
The steam creates the right environment for your body, which is warm and moist as my teacher and colleague Nidhi Pandya says, so that it is able to heal by itself.

The three principles working here are: circulation, lubrication and relaxation.

Try it out by yourself, this video (German or English) might inspire you! You are always welcome to book a one time consultation + follow-up, an in depth one or three months customized steamplan support including Ayurveda, getting my knowledge, your feeling for the practice and later on being able to continue your journey on your own.


Upcoming webinars

You are interested in the topic of Steaming, but for now you don't want or need a 1:1 consultation, you don't know what to make of it, with so many pros and cons circulating on the subject? You want to try it out, but don't want to do anything wrong? You don't know where to start or you just can't imagine it? You are also interested what the ayurvedic take on steaming is? Then my webinars are definitely for you. For now only available in German. English is in the making.

Easy start

I am here for you. But remember you have to do the work, not me.

I don’t need you to steam, your womb needs you to steam.


  • “Vielen lieben Dank für deine Unterstützung! In diesen letzten 2 Zyklen seit ich mit dem Steamen angefangen habe hat sich sooo vieles zum positiven verändert in meinem Zyklus, wobei mir vorher niemand helfen konnte. Ich bin dir sehr dankbar”

    — Joya L.

  • “Diana begleitet feinfühlig und kompetent. In kurzer Zeit habe ich unglaublich viel über mich und meinen Zyklus gelernt und möchte das Steaming nicht mehr in meinem Leben missen!”

    — Deborah

  • “Have been experimenting with yoni steaming for a while now. If you’re interested in working with someone, my friend Diana from steamylicious is the right address for you!”

    — Rebekka from rebekkalehmann


Not sure yet, do you need more information?

I’m here to assist and answer all your doubts, so
drop me a message, I don’t bite and don’t charge you for that!